Monday, 12 December 2011

Healthy Diet Plans - Foods To Avoid When You Are Dieting

Being overweight and confused about healthy diet plans can be really troublesome. I know that I was 40 pounds overweight just this past March, and I felt totally defeated. Every aspect of my life began to unravel, from my personal and professional life and right down to my self-esteem. Because I had worked from home for the past ten years, I knew that I had to improve my appearance in a hurry so that I might start to get out and apply for jobs again. I didn't want to lose everything, and so I simply found the determination to make the changes that life was demanding of me.
I didn't have a lot of money to invest in myself, so Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and Nutrisystem were all out of the question. I wanted a simple, healthy plan that I could realistically stick to and see real results. I did manage to purchase a treadmill before my life started to fall apart, and I decided that the investment was something that I needed to put to use. I started working out almost every night for 50 minutes to an hour and 20 minutes. The cardiovascular exercise made me feel alive and less stressed, and more importantly I started to see results in my body, and this motivated me to keep going. I also decided on some of the healthy diet plans in The Diet Solution. This affordable weight loss program gave me all of the tools that I needed to start working on myself.
I learned what foods to eat to lose weight, and more importantly the foods to avoid. I learned that processed foods are to be avoided. These are the prepared foods that you will generally find in the fast food restaurants, frozen food aisle in your local market, and any food with high fructose corn syrup or trans fats.
Cutting out sugar was another eye opener for me. Whenever I would get too stressed out I would turn to chocolate candy and wine. Not only did this combination raise my blood sugar levels, it made me ravenously hungry, and left me feeling sick and moody the next morning. I quickly broke this bad habit. Now, when I get a sugar craving, I will grab a piece of fruit and an energy bar. These are high in vitamins and nutrients and satisfies my chocolate cravings.
I have found that healthy diet plans also suggest that you remove any artificial sweeteners from your weight loss program. I was never one to indulge in artificial sweeteners, as I don't like too many chemicals in the foods that I enjoy. But staying away from diet soda, cookies, candies, and other sweets that include this form of sweetener is really a good idea for weight loss. Like sugar, synthetic sweeteners are known to stimulate your appetite and make you eat more.
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